
Braeden Lisowski

Software Engineer

I have loved computers from a young age and love learning new skills whenever I can.

Recently I have been working at Artful Home where I work on the main site as well as the internal tools. I am also working on a few different projects in C, Python, among other things. One ongoing project is an automatic puncher for my music player.

Programming Languages JavaScript/TypeScript HTML/CSS Java C Golang Javascript SQL (Oracle) Python
Frameworks Arduino Spring Boot Hibernate/ORM Raspberry Pi Angular jQuery
Other Skills Git GitLab Actions Github REST API Linux Docker DevOps

Projects I Worked on

picture of Where to Live project

Where to Live

This is a website created to compile weather data across the United States and determine 'nice days' and 'bad days'. Using this it determines where the nicest places are to live in the United States. This project was inspired by Kelly Norton's "Pleasant Places", but with the addition of bad days and different tools to present the data.

This was created using Golang to parse all of the data from NOAA. The data processing of multiple gigabytes runs in under 5 minutes. The frontend uses HTML5 Canvas and Stencil.js to present the data.

Here is a link to the website and here is a link to the Github repository

Badger Pokedex

This website was created for the Badgerhacks hackathon. It is an online pokedex that allows the user to search for a Pokemon and see the stats and evolution associated with that pokemon

This was created using Next.js to present the frontend and a backend using GraphQL written in Golalng.

Here is a link to the website and here is a link to the Github repository
picture of Where to Live project